Saturday, July 24, 2010

Trying to figure things out

We will officially begin our 1st year of homeschooling in September. I'm nervous, excited, scared, confused, and completely relying on God 11o%.

I have all of my curriculum picked out, so, next week, I will be working on my lesson plans. I used to be a special ed. teacher b/4 I had kids so you would think making lesson plans would come natural to me. I'm totally clueless on where to begin. I'm very good at over planning so I'm trying not to let my excitement and "teacherness" come out in me.

Tonight, I rearranged the playroom to include a "school" area. The kids are super excited. They are ready to start tomorrow. I have several time consuming events going on in August so that is why we are waiting to start until September.

It should be a fun and bumpy ride but a ride I'm ready to take. I hope to post pictures of our "classroom", curriculum, field trips, and activities.