Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Trip to Half Acre

Me, hubby, & the kids taking a walk with cousin Marc on his new land (during hunting seaon). We looked for animals tracks and studied habitats.

Family Photo
Moo all pooped out from so much walking. She was glad to hear that we were headed back to Aunt Wynell and Uncle Vern's trailer for some YUMMY lunch!!!

Thanksgiving food & crafts

The kids making mini cornucopia's They turned out really cute......waffle cone and Runts.....simple.
Pilgrim hats.....round chocolate striped cookies, mini Reese PB cups, white icing, & Reese Pieces.
They also used water colors to paint Pilgrims.

Weekend in Auburn

Our sweet friends that just moved to Auburn, invited us over for the weekend to celebrate the trio's birthday and to tailgate at an Auburn game. Above is the cookie cake they gave the trio. My trio with their older triplet friends.
This is what it looks like when you try and take a picture of 2 sets of triplets.
Every now and then you get lucky and get one of these shots.
This is a very forced "Yes Mom" shot for me!!!


Hannah Montana, Darth Vader, and black cat.

Trip to North Carolina

We stopped by an Amish store and the kids tried on several different types of hats. Some of the yummy goodies they had for sale.
Our manditory trip to the apple orchard.

This trip completed our study of apples and Johnny Appleseed.
They had a bee hive for visitors to view.
Being silly with the Hickory Nut Gap Farm sign.
They had several signs like these educating kids on the different farm animals.
Not only did we get a bushel of apples but we also got a pumpkin.
Coming down BlueRidge Mountain.
Playing in the ice cold water.
Moo couldn't stand the water.
We were there just in time for the leaf changes.
So pretty!
Do you see the bee?
The girls posing (and resting) at an old house site.
Road side farmer's market. Love it!!!

Lego Man's geneology project

Lego man had to complete a geneology project for Boy Scouts.

Visit to Rickwood Caverns

Lego man is at the top of the jungle gym. Zee-Zee on the see-saw.
The girls at the top of the "tower".

Our church went to Rickwood Caverns in October for a picnic. The kids had fun playing on the playground and exploring the grounds. Two years ago, we came here and toured the cave so we did not do that this year.

Pinecomb bird feeders

Lego Man had to make a pinecomb bird feeder for boy scouts. Zee Zee wanted to make one too!
So did Moo!

Field trip to fire station

Lego Man driving the fire truck Moo, Zee Zee and friends using the fire escape ladder on the smoke house. The smoke house was awesome. It is a 2 story mini trailer made to look like a house. The kids went inside and a fireman made smoke enter the house. He taught them how to drop down and crawl to the nearest exits. They practiced this on the top and bottom floors of the trailer.
Their homeschool co-op group.

Joseph object lesson

We took ice cream cones (to represent the hole), chocolate pudding (to represent the darkness of the hole), and a teddy graham cracker (to represent Joseph when he was thrown in the hole by his brother. We talked about how scared and lonely he must have felt but that God was there to comfort him. You can barely see "Joseph" sticking out. The kids acted as God coming to rescue Joseph.

Birthday fun!

The trio turned 7 on Oct. 5th. They had a cinnamon roll breakfast followed by presents!
We took the day off from academic work but I surprised them with a field trip to Bud's Best Cookies. They had no idea where we were until we walked into the factory and they could smell the cookies. We were all required to wear hair nets on the tour.....which they thought were cool!
The train engine that pulled us through the cookie tour. We were not allowed to take pictures beyond this point. :(

10 Commandments

We made our own dough and used little sticks to write the 10 commandments. Zee-Zee
Lego Man


The girls signed up to play soccer for the fall. Here is Moo (#4) in action.
And here is my son (in green) doing his favorite thing during the game.........reading.