Sunday, August 12, 2012

Not Back to School Blog Hop....our classroom

Our school room is in a tiny, extra bedroom that we have upstairs.  It looks very junky, I know, but we like it and everything has its place.  We had to buy bedraisers to lift the wooden table higher so all of our legs would fit under it this year.  My dad found these used office chairs for us so we no longer have to sit in little wooden chairs.  The chair at the piano will turn around and face the table during class time.  We do all of our written work in here but all of our group reading on the couch!  Hope you enjoy the tour.  It is very quick!

This is standing in the doorway looking into our tiny classroom.
Our US map, Art DVD set, monthly Bible verse, and keyboard for piano lessons
(which are on DVD also!)
Their independent work stations.  A little messy right now, we haven't cleaned them out this summer.
 The gray metal file storage holds their SRA cards and different reading activity cards that I found at a flea market. Hanging on the right are Christmas card pictures from this past Christmas.  We love to leave them up all year long and pray for our family and friends.
This side of the room has our TV for watching our Math U See DVD and art DVDs.  It also has our calendar, featured books for the month, language helper charts, book shelf with readers for the kids, and my dry erase board.
Bookshelves full of games, puzzles, arts and craft supplies, books, binders and so much more.
I sit in this chair pictured and behind me is everything that I need within my reach......textbooks, lesson plan binder, daily lesson plans, pens, pencils, scissors, timer, and Germ-X (a mom and teacher's best friend)

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful school room. So excited to find your blog. Someone I know IRL.
